#740735 by Darren Wheeler
26 Mar 2010, 14:30
Reading through some of the posts since the move to this phpBB version, it's clear that there is some confusion on how to shorten URL's into a meaningful link.

Fear not, here is how to do it.
Note. Instead of using {} brackets, replace them with [] brackets. I've used {} here so you can see the structure

1. Copy the URL you want to use. In this case, I'll use this thread as an example.
2. Before the URL, type {url=
3. After the URL, type } and whatever you want to name it as. E.g. ]shorten links.
4. Then type {/url}

You should end up with something looking like this:
{url=http://www.v-flyer.com/forum/index.php?f=20&t=262872&rb_v=viewtopic}shorten links{/url}
Which when using [] translates into shorten links

Happy URL'ing
#740738 by tontybear
26 Mar 2010, 14:43
Thanks Darren

any chance it could be added to the FAQs so easier to find in future?


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