A forum for discussion of Social Activities
#260882 by Nottingham Nick
06 Oct 2009, 12:28
The V-Flyer Post Christmas Party is now fixed for Saturday 16th January 2010.

Details as follows:

Depart St Pancras 0857 - arrive Brussels 1203

Depart Brussels 1959 - arrive St. Pancras 2103

All times are local.

This gives us a fair bit of time in Brussels to explore at leisure, move on to Bruges, or do whatever takes your fancy.

The good news is that I have managed to secure Carriage 1 for both journeys and I have managed top secure the lowest possible fare, which will be 55.00 per person.

The bad news is that to ensure this fare. we could really do with filling the carriage with 48 people.

The other bad news is that I need some money from everyone.
I need a non-refundable deposit of 15 per person, as soon as possible with the balance payable by 1st December 2009.

I can take BACS transfers, or you can snail mail a cheque.

I will be contacting everyone by PM but to save time if those who want to attend could PM me an email address and / or telephone contact number and I will let you know bank / address details.

Please do NOT PM or email your bank details to me. I have a secure (er) email address at work I could use as a last resort, but want to avoid that if we can.

So, I have appended the details of those interested so far below, but there is room for a few more - so don't delay join the fun today.

Once we are sorted with numbers we will start to think about a meal for the evening before the trip and team polo shirts, but for now I just want firm commitments and deposits ASAP.


Cast List to date.

Nottingham Nick and Sue
Buns & Mrs Buns
Decker + 1
Mr and Mrs Jaguarpig
Vegascrazy + s-pressobeen + Mark & Julie
Jacki + Justin
Catherine + Dave
jafleming and Jacqui
Tinkerbelle +1
Fozzyo + Wolves27
mcuth + Karen
HighFlyer and LRoM
Derby Dave + Kay

If I have missed anyone - or got anyone's name wrong, which is entirely possible - drop Nick a PM and I will add to / edit the list.


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