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#913087 by Florida White
11 Nov 2015, 21:41
Ground Staff
Food & Drink
Cabin Crew
Well after a few days in Vegas, a week in LA and a flight across country for the last six days in Orlando it was time to head home and following an excellent flight out hopefully a good return. Arrived trouble free at a quiet UC check in desk where staff were very efficient. Delta Lounge passes in hand and it was off to try and navigate security. No priority access was offered but we were through in around 25 minutes being told to leave any liquids in bags inc my sons medication, leave shoes on and push everything through the scanning machine with no checks on my liquids which was surprising given the recent events in Egypt and I have to admit caused me some concern. Fifteen minutes in Duty Free left 55 minutes before take off and time for a couple of drinks in the lounge which had offerings of soup, pasta, salad and biscuits plus drinks. Unlike our last flight from here nobody came to collect us and being called we found boarding well and truly in progress and joined the line to board rather than push through.
Greeted warmly by the crew and cabin supervisor drinks were quickly served and menus distributed. Pushback was just ten minutes late and once airborne there were continuous drink runs and dinner was quickly served. Soup and beef were chosen however there was no cheesecake which was my choice of desert. The supervisor however went back and brought a cheesecake through from one of the other cabins. The attentiveness of the crew continued especially with my son who was getting lots of attention and his bed was soon made up for what proved to be around five hours sleep before breakfast.
Sleep suits had been waiting for all pax at boarding with amenity kits and the crew insisted on helping everyone with beds and making them up. Around four hours sleep followed before the requested wake up to cornflakes, a cooked breakfast which was actually quite good and a cup of tea. Not sure what I thought about the hash brown with the egg inside though. A slightly bumpy approach into Manchester with the seat belt lights on early seemed to catch a few passengers out but we were soon on the ground in Manchester. Took around ten minutes to take the scenic route to the gate and it was quickly off the plane with the crew wishing everyone a safe journey home and a quick pass through passport control. Bags took around fifteen minutes but with no priority for upper passengers and it was then back to the Radisson to pick up the car and back across the M62 into Yorkshire in the rain although it was quite mild. Overall a great flight, great crew and only mark downs for no priority boarding or call from the lounge when we had been told somebody would and bags late coming out but this certainly did not detract from another great flight and brilliant crew!
#913091 by marshy11
12 Nov 2015, 07:35
Gosh doesn't seem two minutes since I read your outward TR and the way the crew made your son's flight....

Thank you for posting. Glad to hear the crew were up to standard, always a worry for me on a return leg.

Is the hash brown thing a northern delight? Sounds interesting :mrgreen: . Welcome home, say hello to Abigail, she's stroking the mid/north of England in the next few days.
#913096 by hiljil
12 Nov 2015, 09:23
Thank you for the TR. So pleased to hear good reports of the crew again.
#913141 by Florida White
13 Nov 2015, 02:10
The crew have definitely been consistent on all our flights from Manchester never really had a bad crew yet. The efficiency from Orlando was brilliant when we were not really expecting it being a night flight. Next trip though is May in economy but got the back rows in the bubble both ways which will compensate a bit plus at under £1350 for the 3 of us it was worth an extra week in Orlando. It's gonna be really hard not turning left though!
Virgin Atlantic

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