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#237018 by HighFlyer
24 Jul 2005, 23:17
Ground Staff
Food & Drink
Cabin Crew
Friday 24th June 2005
Seats 4 & 5 K UCS
Aircraft G-VNAP Sleeping Beauty

A friend picked up myself and my other half at 6pm to drive us to LHR. This was the first flight of 13 that made up our Great Escapade, a month long round the world trip, and needless to say we were extremely excited. Traffic was fairly heavy as usual on the M25, getting us into LHR around 7.30pm.


We arrived at check-in to find it relatively quiet but no security guy with his roll of VS stickers (that have wallpapered the back of my passport) We waited around ten minutes for him to arrive and then we walked straight to the empty UC check-in desk. The clerk mentioned that we could have used OLCI but I explained that I much prefer to do it in person. She gave us our boarding passes with seats 4 & 5K (I had pre-booked 5 & 6K so I was dying to see who was in my old seat!!) We waved goodbye to our luggage and headed straight to the Clubhouse.


We entered the Clubhouse through the new marble type staircase (and very nice it looks too), the upstairs section is still closed though. The Clubhouse was packed and it was quite a job finding a seat, although service was still good and we had barely sat down before some bubbly was forced apon us ;) We were asked several times if we wanted drinks/refills. It was really hot inside though and the small fans dotted around really didnt make much of an impact (this flight was at the time of that heatwave we had though). We had a look at the menu and decided to eat now and only have a light bite on board as the flight was leaving too late for a four course meal. The other half ordered the prawn salad while I asked for the Risotto. I must have had a glass two many as it actually said Ravoli on the menu which I realised when it came. The food was excellent and we had another glass of bubbly at the bar.


The other half went off for a sensational shave and came back raving about it.

It was agonising waiting for this flight, I heard the Delhi and Lagos flights get called, and assumed that anybody left must be for VS200. A short delay was announced (15 mins) then boarding commenced at 9.45pm (with priority boarding). As we boarded I saw that we had G-VNAP, excellent, one of the new planes!


We walked into the cabin and all I could think was wow! First impressions being that the cabin was nowhere near as long and narrow as the seatmap makes it look, far more spacious in the aisles than I thought and a great use of colour with silver trims on the window blind handles and some sparkly silver panel behind me on the wall the separates the twist in the D row. The cabin looks excellent, the bar was smaller than i expected - but still nice to have! I couldnt believe I had waited this long to first see the suites.


I got settled in my suite and the FSM introduced himself, calling me by name. We had a quick chat about the suites and a general natter. The IFBT came round and I put myself down for a massage. We also gave requests for post flight drinks and I agonised whether to have more bubbly this was a special trip after all!

After glass three of bubbly the Captain came on and told us the flight time of 11hrs and 35mins - plenty of time to experience the suites. The window was easier to see out of than I imagined, requiring only a little turning. We pushed back about 15mins behind schedule and were quickly in the air and headed for Hong Kong take off in the suites did feel a bit strange, being pulled sideways but all adds to the new experience. As soon as the seatbelt sign went off I joined my partner on his ottoman for a drink. Amenity kits came round but no Carlos.

Seat 2K had been empty, but now a young guy (lead by one of the crew) was re-seated there. It was obviously a friend of the crew. Sometimes this bothers me, as these crew upgrades can never be done discreetly (no matter how hard they try). I wish they could organise the upgrades before, or at the time of boarding (as surely they know how many free seats there are after check-in closes). The guy in 3K was a bit peeved as he thought he had a quiet corner, only to be sat next to someone who nattered to the crew all night.

The crew then came round to take dinner orders, we had a glance at the menu, and guess what? Bangers and mash! We were glad we ate in the Clubhouse. I ordered just the cheeseboard and partner opted for a Bacon roll. Both were excellent. I do like the Freedom of the freedom menu in that the crew dont seen to presume anything and dont slap a tray down before asking you if you are dining. My partner wasnt too sure what to eat as he only wanted something light, so the FSM suggested the Bacon roll and then added that he could melt a slice of cheese into the roll as it would taste much nicer - a great idea, and nice touch to do something extra for a passenger that wasnt at all required. (Partner says the Bacon roll was awesome BTW). I then had the thrill of drinking a Cappuccino (complete with chocolate dusting) at 35000 feet! Excellent!

I had a little trouble putting my table back after dinner, anyone else get this? (I darent force it and break it) Thankfully the FSM saw me and rushed over to help. He was awesome on this flight and worked really hard to keep us all happy. This really is the Virgin spirit that the airline thrives on.

After eating, the IFBT called my partner for his massage. I was amazed to be honest as he had a treatment in the Clubhouse (unless the shave doesnt count?) I tried to look at SkyMap but it wasnt working I was gutted how would I track my progress!!! I then looked up and noticed the sunset from the opposite windows, the sky was turning an amazing shade of green!

On partners return we both got settled and watched Hotel Rwanda (I was disappointed with the headphones, I had hoped that they would be a little better), half way through I paused the film (yes I paused my movie!!! Oh the wonders of VoD) to get changed into my Ninja suit the FSM came after me to ask if I wanted my bed made up to which I said yes. I came back to a lovely inviting bed with a duvet and pillow! Awesome!

On my way back I noticed that there wasnt a single empty seat! All but about two passengers were in bed mode this was about 3/3.5 hours into the flight.
I tried to watch the rest of the film in bed but started nodding off so I switched to audio, selected a bit of Bowie, and put my head down.

I felt quite warm and ended up pulling the duvet down, I probably would have been better sleeping on top of it.

I must have fallen asleep at this point (or alcohol induced coma as my partner calls it)

Next thing I knew, I had sat up in my suite to find the other half watching a film and in seat mode. I asked him if he was ok and what time was it, to which he told me that we had less than 3 hours to landing! What? This was almost a 12 hour flight, I must have had a good 5 hours sleep at least! Amazing! I never really sleep on planes (although usually attributed to having a seat that doesnt recline enough! LOL) and so to have slept all that time was fantastic although I did feel slightly robbed, we were almost there and my first experience of the suite was slowly coming to an end!

The FSM spotted me and asked if I slept well and whether i wanted a drink, coffee or O.J perhaps? Nice one! I grabbed an O.J then got into a few episodes of the Simpsons. I then headed back towards the loo to change out of my sleepsuit, and returned to find my bed was back in seat mode. The crew on this flight were excellent, seemingly to be watching the cabin so well but never in your face.

One of the crew offered me some breakfast and I asked for some crumpets partly for the novelty factor at having them in the air. They were toasted to perfection, a great idea! A nice cappuccino washed that down and I had a quick hair and make-up refresher before getting ready to land.

HKG looks great from the air, hills and mountains in lush green with skyscrapers dotted all over them. The Cathay Birds had populated the airport, there were literally loads of them sitting there.



We landed on time (17.50 local) and cleared customs quickly as it was fairly empty. Luggage was one of the first out and the representative for the Peninsula Hotel was waiting for us. He packed our bags into the Rolls Royce and sent us on our way.

A fantastic flight, the crew were wonderful, especially the FSM and a good time had by all.
#305653 by preiffer
24 Jul 2005, 23:22
Thanks Sarah - Great read [y] (Great pics, too [:D]).

You either have an amazing memory, or there's a notebook behind this somewhere.

Are you putting all 13 up?
#305655 by honey lamb
24 Jul 2005, 23:27
Great trip report.

I'm looking forward to the next instalment
#305656 by willd
24 Jul 2005, 23:28
great tr! please tell me we get the treat of all your trs.
#305659 by Milliemoo
24 Jul 2005, 23:29
Fantastic TR ! [:D]

I've been waiting to read these, and it's just making me even more excited about our trip [:I]

Your pics are great [;)]

#305660 by HighFlyer
24 Jul 2005, 23:31
Geez - ive just come to proof read it and its already been read LOL

Glad you enjoyed [:)]

You guys dont seriously want all 13 flights do you??? Plus hotel reviews?? Oh my hand is hurting already LOL [:D]
#305662 by seany
24 Jul 2005, 23:34
Thanks for the TR Sarah, a great read! [y].

I agree with you about people who get upgraded and then talk to the crew non-stop, that can be very annoying, especially on a night flight. Sounds like you really enjoyed your first UCS experience!

#305664 by Milliemoo
24 Jul 2005, 23:41
Originally posted by HighFlyer

You guys dont seriously want all 13 flights do you??? Plus hotel reviews?? [:D]

I think you already know the answer to that one [;)]

#305669 by Richard28
24 Jul 2005, 23:56
Thanks Highflyer!

this flight is due to be my next UCS experience - so it was especially interesting!

The A346 UCS section does look narrow from pics - nice to hear that you were impressed with it!

#305671 by Decker
25 Jul 2005, 00:05
Rhetorical question, yes? You GO girl :)

And this is an inclusive board - where's the other half? [;)]
#305677 by onionz
25 Jul 2005, 00:36
This is a great start to a 13 TR saga! [:D]

Good pics too. [y]
#305678 by philadam
25 Jul 2005, 01:54
Thanks Sarah. I really enjoyed reading your TR, filled with enthusiasm on encountering the suite for the first time. You have set the scene for me and made it more exciting still for October.

Agree with the others. Great pics[y]

#305682 by Scrooge
25 Jul 2005, 08:12
Sounds like a great starting flight
#305683 by lynnewob
25 Jul 2005, 08:43
Nice to see you back.

It's lovely to hear from a first time UCS user - it's something I'm looking to do sometime, but still haven't got past PE yet. Hubby says if I stop booking so many holidays, perhaps we can upgrade our flight next time, decisions decisions....
#305695 by fozzyo
25 Jul 2005, 10:36
Wow, two down and 11 to go, and then the Hotels. [;)]

Nice to see the hand-bag keeps making regular appearence in the photo's too. Thanks for sharing. Dean and I have this flight to look forward to next Feb!

Foz xx
#305698 by FamilyMan
25 Jul 2005, 10:44
Originally posted by HighFlyer
You guys dont seriously want all 13 flights do you??? Plus hotel reviews?? Oh my hand is hurting already LOL [:D]

Maybe I could get the bound published version [:)]. Great job Sarah and really pleased that you had a great time.

Phil (Buffy)
#305918 by HighFlyer
26 Jul 2005, 15:11
Thanks guys!

This was an awesome flight UCS flight, couldnt have asked for better!

Nice to see the hand-bag keeps making regular appearence in the photo's too

Hahaha ... oh yes, it is a world travelled bag now, and if you look closely i also have matching shoes in some of the pictures!! LOL
#305939 by chafford andy
26 Jul 2005, 18:01
great trip report Sarah [y]it,s great to see a report with pictures as well as great reading look forward to seeing more of the same
#307109 by easygoingeezer
04 Aug 2005, 16:05
I have said it before and will say it agin, your very pretty highflyer[:D]

p.s. don't worry your safe I'm on the other bus.
#307187 by buns
04 Aug 2005, 22:36

Thanks for an excellent TR[y][y]

Looks like you too have caught the UCS bug ('anything else simply won't do...')

all the best

#307208 by s0436
05 Aug 2005, 00:29
Thanks for that, making me excited for my trip to HKG next month.

I agree that the UCS tray tables are quite difficult to put back in the compartment, they really need to sort that out.

The bit about the 'friend of the crew' going up to UC after takeoff. Usually it is only immediate family members that get upgraded to UC, and that is only when the staff member has been at Virgin for several years..also the upgrade only happens at check-in/the gate. I don't think 'friends' can be upgraded to UC, unless he's the 'companion' of Captain Bigboy.
#307221 by shazam
05 Aug 2005, 08:19

I have loved reading all your TRs and looking at your pictures too. Thanks for taking the time to share it all with us, it looks like you had a fantastic time.

I was just a bit worried that you might have had RSI from all that 'tipping of champagne glasses' [:D]

Cheers! Hic!

#307696 by chris78cpr
08 Aug 2005, 23:29
Great TR Sarah! Looks like you had an awesome time!

This is the first i've read, i noticed some more have been posted so i will go read them now! I gotta say, you are definatly making me want to book a RTW now!

Would you share where you booked it and how much it cost for a upper/biz one?

Cheers, Chris

P.S. What was your entire route on this trip???
#307719 by HighFlyer
09 Aug 2005, 10:24
Thanks guys

Would you share where you booked it and how much it cost for a upper/biz one? P.S. What was your entire route on this trip???

Chris- Take a look Here at my review on the Great Escapade, i have my route there and costings and so on.

I was just a bit worried that you might have had RSI from all that 'tipping of champagne glasses'

Shaz- I tell you, a month of drinking bubbly every day was awesome!! hehehe

don't worry your safe I'm on the other bus.

EGG- They always are!!! LOL
#307751 by Littlejohn
09 Aug 2005, 15:30
Originally posted by HighFlyer

After glass three of bubbly the Captain came on and told us the flight time of 11hrs and 35mins

I hope not! Surly 3 glasses would put the captain over the limit[;)]

Enjoyed the TR and looking forward to all the rest

Virgin Atlantic

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