#817142 by tontybear
18 Jul 2012, 19:33
It is a BA thing. They have been wanting to do it for ages.

From reading flyertalk it seems to be more for people wanting to upgrade their corporate tickets sing their personal avios.
#817186 by daleibz
19 Jul 2012, 12:02
eehk1007 wrote:Londonguy, that is not true, it is not the class of the ticket, it is the kind of fare.

If it is anything other than a published fare that the travel agent has used then you cannot upgrade with FC miles.

Sorry but that is incorrect - travel agents CAN book nett contracts/published fares and you can upgrade with FC airmiles. I have done this myself a couple of years back. 100% :D
#817189 by daleibz
19 Jul 2012, 12:06
Petmadness wrote:I have not heard of this before....which Travel Agency is offering this service? Will VS follow suit (!) ):

Any decent travel agency! I would send you my agents details 8D (he is very good!!!) but I think thats against forum rules v( ?!?
#817208 by RedVee
19 Jul 2012, 15:08
daleibz wrote:
Exec club is kaput. Avois only. Any exec miles are avios etc etc ...

Wrong. Executive Club is alive and well and is BA's Frequent Flyer Programme.

Avios.com is also alive and well.

They share a common points currency called Avios, as do Iberia.

Avios points can be moved between Exec Club and Avios.com easily
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