This is the main V-Flyer Forum for general discussion of everything related to flying with Virgin-branded travel companies.
#939517 by Francis007
10 Nov 2017, 14:41
For some unknown reason, I received in the post today a note from Virgin to say that I have made it to Flying Club Silver !

Not much I know to all you lot out there on this great Forum who are Gold or Lifetime Gold members but it did make an oldie who only takes 2 UC flights ( in the Sale ! ) a year to the East Coast a very happy chap .

There I was, sitting in the gloom of a rather cold Autumnal afternoon, reading the paper,with my cat on my lap, in front of the fire....and with only the Rugby to look forward to tomorrow and this arrived ! Small things I know but it has cheered me up after returning from another wonderful tour of New York State and Cape Cod a coupe of weeks ago and just wondering how long ago that all now seems . t

Not too sure what this now gives me but I'm a happy fact I'm a happy Silver Bunny now :cool: .....and cannot wait to impress my Missus when she comes back from shopping.
#939518 by hiljil
10 Nov 2017, 15:56
Well congratulations! Pleased to know it has made you happy.

Hope you have many more enjoyable trips :D
#939519 by SlimpyJones
10 Nov 2017, 16:12
Well done! :)

Membership benefits live here. The main headlines are 30% extra miles and the use of the PE check-in desks even if you are in Economy (which probably won't matter too much if you only do 2 UC trips a year!), and extra miles from VH if you ever use them.

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