A forum for discussion of Social Activities
#60133 by Jonathan
18 Apr 2005, 14:08
Whats the damage (with wine option of course;))
#60144 by Decker
18 Apr 2005, 14:36
#60160 by Bazz
18 Apr 2005, 15:55
Thanks Decker but I think I will pass on that one ;)
#80849 by Howard Long
14 Oct 2005, 12:49
Originally posted by Decker
Anyone doing the Tasting Menu Tuesday 10th May?

Only just noticed this. Didn't realise some VF folks were into uber fine dining. If there's another one coming along I'd be more than interested.

The Orrery is a favourite of mine despite the fact that I normally poo-poo Conran places. The Orrery is the exception that proves the rule I guess.

For grins: http://www.nezbrun.com. The pics here http://www.nezbrun.com/Petrus are from the the Christmas party I threw from my company in 2003, and have an interesting character in them.

Cheers, Howard

Editted 'cos it didn't make sense
#80855 by Bazz
14 Oct 2005, 13:25
Great pictures Howard, looks like you had a great time at all three locations [8D]

So what was Gordon doing at PŽtrus then? Was Jean-Philippe Susilovic the maitre-d' there when you had your do? I think that was Alan Holmes the Chief Sommelier decanting the red. Jean-Philippe was the poor unfortunate maitre-d' in the first Hells Kitchen, always getting it in the neck from Gordon (scripted of course) ;).

Still one of my fav restaurants.

Trying Gary Danko in San Fran next month, supposed to be excellent so looking forward to it enormously.
#80858 by jaguarpig
14 Oct 2005, 13:33
Trying Gary Danko in San Fran next month, supposed to be excellent so looking forward to it enormously

We dined there last May very good (bread was poor), the bar area gets incredibly busy. Still have the gift rapped muffins they give you as you leave somewhere.Have a good time[:p]
#80860 by Bazz
14 Oct 2005, 13:40
Originally posted by jaguarpig
...Still have the gift rapped muffins they give you as you leave somewhere...

Hmm, vintage muffins :D

Thanks Chris, I'm sure we will [8D]
#80861 by Bazz
14 Oct 2005, 13:43
Originally posted by Howard Long
...I normally poo-poo Conran places...

What about Quaglino's Howard, we have always had an enjoyable time there?
#80866 by Howard Long
14 Oct 2005, 13:57
Originally posted by Bazz
So what was Gordon doing at PŽtrus then? Was Jean-Philippe Susilovic the maitre-d' there when you had your do? I think that was Alan Holmes the Chief Sommelier decanting the red. Jean-Philippe was the poor unfortunate maitre-d' in the first Hells Kitchen, always getting it in the neck from Gordon (scripted of course) ;).

He and Waring are big buddies going back to the Ramsay vs A-Z Restaurants debacle of the late 90's. Ramsay was at Aubergine (with Angela Hartnett) and Waring, having worked at Aubergine for Ramsay, was now running the kitchen at l'Oranger on St James' (right next to the old Petrus). The story goes that after Ramsay threw his toys out of the pram at Aubergine, allegedly he and Waring went on to wreck the kitchen at l'Oranger, another A-Z Restaurant.

Despite A-Z Restaurants being taken over earlier this year, to this day there is still a court order banning Ramsay from entering Aubergine.

On the two occasions I've chatted with Ramsay he has always been the most courteous and likeable chap, and on the occasion at Petrus in those pictures we were chatting away for half an hour or so about some most interesting topics. In particular I questioned him about whether he felt he is at risk of diluting the brand and becoming Conranesque or the next MPW, and whether the Ramsay chain is now becoming formulaic. Both things I personally still find to be the case (especially about being formulaic), but he steadfastly refutes.

Anyway I can't tell you all the stories, or there'll be nothing to talk about at dinner!

Cheers, Howard
#80868 by Bazz
14 Oct 2005, 14:27
Originally posted by Howard Long
...Anyway I can't tell you all the stories, or there'll be nothing to talk about at dinner!

Cheers, Howard

Spoilsport ;) interesting tale, I had heard about the alleged kitchen wrecking spree, didn't know GR was still banned from Aubergine though.
#80871 by Decker
14 Oct 2005, 14:42

I can see a potential social here... there are several others on the board with Epicurean tendencies. Suppose we could wait for Heston's new tasting menu and then all pile down there?

We could start in Vegas with La Bouchon on our spare night?
#80881 by Howard Long
14 Oct 2005, 15:05
Originally posted by Bazz
What about Quaglino's Howard, we have always had an enjoyable time there?

Have to say, Quag's has not been my favourite in the past I'm afraid. I haven't dined there for a very long time, last time must've been eight years ago or so when I remember squirming at paying fourteen quid for fish, chips and mushy peas. It has been a favourite of one of my business aquaintances for many years now, but he goes there for the meat market at the bar rather than the meat on the table, something I'm not naturally comfortable with, being the shy and retiring type.

My only other recent Conran outings other than the Orrery has been the Plateau fine dining restaurant in Canary Wharf which is proved very variable in terms of food quality on the occasions I've been, and the Grasshopper bar at Royal Exchange in the City which does awesome vanilla martinis, albeit eight quid a pop.

However I am willing to have my conceptions proved wrong!

Cheers, Howard
#80883 by Bazz
14 Oct 2005, 15:18
I agree the food is certainly not the best in town but the experience has usually been fun, including the meat at the bar (watching not eating) ;)
#80976 by sky
15 Oct 2005, 00:29
Originally posted by Bazz
Great pictures Howard, looks like you had a great time at all three locations [8D]

So what was Gordon doing at PŽtrus then? Was Jean-Philippe Susilovic the maitre-d' there when you had your do? I think that was Alan Holmes the Chief Sommelier decanting the red. Jean-Philippe was the poor unfortunate maitre-d' in the first Hells Kitchen, always getting it in the neck from Gordon (scripted of course) ;).

Still one of my fav restaurants.

Trying Gary Danko in San Fran next month, supposed to be excellent so looking forward to it enormously.

I would avoid Gary Denko, while the food was good the quality of service was abusrdly low, I refused to tip but my american friends tipped 10% behind my back!

I would gladly recommend Bouchon or French Laundry :) and for a cheaper in SF dining, Jardiniere was excellent.

I also have a tip on a very very good sushi place that served me excellent otoro, PM for details since I don't want it googled, it is very very small :).

#81003 by AlanA
15 Oct 2005, 09:09
Originally posted by Decker

£125?? £125!!!!!!
That's over a whole weeks shopping cost for us in the sticks, bloomin' Londoners! :D
#81004 by Littlejohn
15 Oct 2005, 09:15
Originally posted by AlanA

That's over a whole weeks shopping cost for us

A weeks shopping! Looxury! We could buy a years coal for that and still have change to buy extra dripping for us tea.
#81008 by Decker
15 Oct 2005, 10:17
You shop Alan? I thought y'all foraged [:o)]. Amex were offering Heston's latest tasting menu with an evening guided by the man himself and a free book for a mere £300 pp. We made our excuses and left - as the nice NOTW man used to say. :)
#81014 by jaguarpig
15 Oct 2005, 11:19
I would avoid Gary Denko, while the food was good the quality of service was abusrdly low, I refused to tip but my american friends tipped 10% behind my back!

I would gladly recommend Bouchon or French Laundry

Service at Gary Danko was super efficient and friendly, never been to that Denko place:D.Think Recommending chef Keller's eatery goes without saying if you can ever get a table. Just watched a prog on UK food "A cooks tour" Tony Bourdain and Eric Rippert and a couple of friends had dinner at the French Laundry the food looked absolutely stunning. About 20 courses and a different dish served to each of the 4 on every course,80 separate dishes[:0]
#81021 by AlanA
15 Oct 2005, 12:26
Originally posted by sailor99
Originally posted by AlanA

That's over a whole weeks shopping cost for us

A weeks shopping! Looxury! We could buy a years coal for that and still have change to buy extra dripping for us tea.

COAL! you rich booger!
we ave to burn leaves from the road after we have licked it clean so those rich larrndon city gents can drive past at an amazing rate in their motorised horseless carriages
#81022 by Bazz
15 Oct 2005, 12:37
Originally posted by sky
I would avoid Gary Denko, while the food was good the quality of service was abusrdly low, I refused to tip but my american friends tipped 10% behind my back!

I would gladly recommend Bouchon or French Laundry :) and for a cheaper in SF dining, Jardiniere was excellent.

I also have a tip on a very very good sushi place that served me excellent otoro, PM for details since I don't want it googled, it is very very small :).


We were recommended to Gary Danko by a good friend, Robert Giorgione, Chief Sommelier at The Fifth Floor (The one in Harvey Nics not the one in San Fran ;)) and formerly Chief Sommelier at La Tante Clair. He also recommended a few other restaurants, Fleur de Lys also at Mandalay Bay, LAS, Bacar and The Dining Room at the RC. Bacar was very tempting, a little less expensive with live Jazz and only a short walk from our hotel (The MO) so that would have been our fall back. We still may go there for a drink on our other night.

We looked into all four and decided to go for Gary Danko, providing we could secure the booking. They operate the same reservation policy as Keller's restaurants The French Laundry and Per Se, where reservations are released two months in advance. Anyhow we were lucky and are looking forward to it.

I appreciate your comments, but I have been in many great restaurants where, on a particular night the service has been below par, the same sometimes happens with the service on VS. You still have to try these places, IMHO that is.

Would love to have done The French Laundry but only having two nights in San Fran we didn't really have time this trip to get up to Yountville, maybe next time...
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