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#8934 by xenole
16 Nov 2005, 13:44
Having seen a few episodes of Airline where Easyjet have a tendancy to prevent people they think have drunk too much getting on a plane, do Virgin have a similar policy? Judging by the amount certain forum members appear to drink ;) surely quite a few must be absolutely plastered by the time they get onto the plane, or at least during the they restrict your drinking on the plane if they feel you've really had enough?
#84496 by Littlejohn
16 Nov 2005, 13:58
Certainly they have that policy (both stopping you boarding and restricting drinking). Some cabin crew get really touchy for example if you take your own wine on board[:I] because it stops them controlling the intake.

Personally I think the amount some people drink pre-flight in the clubhouse, often highly potent multicoloured cocktails, is a disgrace. And as for parties of people congrugating at the bar on board and drinking themselves silly, running up and down the aircraft, taking flash pictures, handing our M&Ms to pax, etc, well it is simply disgusting.;)
#84497 by preiffer
16 Nov 2005, 14:00
Originally posted by sailor99
Certainly they have that policy (both stopping you boarding and restricting drinking). Some cabin crew get really touchy for example if you take your own wine on board[:I] because it stops them controlling the intake.
The serving of alcohol, I believe, is a CAA (and therefore, legal) thing. Only alcohol served by cabin crew may be consumed onboard the aircraft.

Originally posted by sailor99
Personally I think the amount some people drink pre-flight in the clubhouse, often highly potent multicoloured cocktails, is a disgrace. And as for parties of people congrugating at the bar on board and drinking themselves silly, running up and down the aircraft, taking flash pictures, handing our M&Ms to pax, etc, well it is simply disgusting.;)
I know exactly what you mean. The awful state of society today. [:I];)
#84526 by Nottingham Nick
16 Nov 2005, 16:48
The judgment call the crew have to make isn't based on the quantity consumed. It is all to do with a passengers behaviour having consumed whatever amount.

Some will get rowdy / objectionable after a couple of lager tops, whilst others will remain in control after a bucket of the blue stuff [8D][:I][}:)]

#84528 by fozzyo
16 Nov 2005, 16:57
Originally posted by Nottingham Nick
The judgment call the crew have to make isn't based on the quantity consumed. It is all to do with a passengers behaviour having consumed whatever amount.

Some will get rowdy / objectionable after a couple of lager tops, whilst others will remain in control after a bucket of the blue stuff [8D][:I][}:)]


While others will just get all hyper and wild eye'd on fifty bags of M&M's. [:0]

Mat xxx
#84537 by VS045
16 Nov 2005, 17:57

#84578 by jaguarpig
16 Nov 2005, 20:52
As Clint said a man's got to know his limitations,mines about 5 bottles of champagne:D[|)]but not[:$]
#84584 by Scrooge
16 Nov 2005, 21:00
Yes it is possible for them to deny you say though comes from the Captain.
#84589 by slinky09
16 Nov 2005, 21:11
Originally posted by jaguarpig
As Clint said a man's got to know his limitations,mines about 5 bottles of champagne:D[|)]but not[:$]

Hmm you must have been on a recent flight of mine, we ran out of champagne somewhere over Denver!

Is there an alcopop M&Ms ... am I missing something?
#84598 by fozzyo
16 Nov 2005, 21:36
Originally posted by slinky09
Is there an alcopop M&Ms ... am I missing something?

No, just regular chocolate, sugar and colouring flavoured M&M's. Great to feed the kids, get them real hyper and then give back to the parents. [:w]

Mat xxx
Virgin Atlantic

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