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#926780 by ColOrd
30 Sep 2016, 11:19
Ground Staff
Food & Drink
Cabin Crew
So from May 2014 I had been collecting FC miles like it was going out of fashion - and by last November I had enough for two returns to the East Coast - so as a joint birthday trip for me and my best mate we were off to Boston!

We arrived at the Clubhouse via a very smooth DTCI, just as it was opening, thankfully we weren't the only ones sat outside waiting for those lovely doors to open! However most of those who were were for the VS3, and certainly none for a flight that didn't leave till the early afternoon!

Clubhouse was great I noticed the arcade games had gone from the Den since my last visit and the Grey Goose loft now appears to be the Bacardi loft? We spent a little bit of time in most areas although we probably stayed in the Den and Library the most, and had a few games of pool which were interesting after a handful of cocktails each. I won one!

Redheads were the predominant cocktail of choice for me, but the Wamlbe, which I think is new was really nice, and then we just had a few glasses of champers whilst waiting for boarding! Big shout out to the two girls working the Den area - they didn't ever let us get to the bottom of one drink before ordering the next!

Food was good - breakfasts awesome, a mid morning snack in the way of a sausage bap - and then at 11:30 I got an order in a for a main which was really good - chicken curry! I had the complimentary facial and a paid for massage - only 15 mins but it was an awesome experience - something I have never done before but oh my I will again!

Boarding was at Gate 19 (Oddly - same as my last VS Flight from LHR too!) and priority boarding was strictly enforced - felt very nice and VIP as always! Welcomed on board by the FSM and one of the crew who was very thankful for the choccies we had for them! Only one Pre Departure Champers today.

Pushed back on time only to sit on the apron for about 25 minutes whilst they had a problem with the intercom - threatened with going back on stand but after a reset the problem cleared and were good to go with 253 Pax and 13 Crew.

Drinks were very proactively offered and we were never without a drink - but more on that later - and food started about an hour into the flight. I wasn't overly impressed with the choices so I ended up going Veggie for my main. I had chicken satay starter and then a veggie curry, followed by a Salted caramel chocolate pudding and a cheese plate. The FSM was very active during the service, and spread herself across all three cabins.

The guy who was working our section of Upper was absolutely tremendous - we never wanted for anything - he offered us second deserts which were accepted, he spent time with us specifically - as I had let slip that this trip was a birthday present for my mate, who also was given a bottle of champers for his birthday!

We went up to the bar, and again the entire Upper Class crew were beyond amazing, we laughed joked and partied with them pretty much till we started decent into BOS and scarily - the amazing Passionfruit Martini which I had been on for most of the flight - ran out of Grey Goose by the time we were about to land - I would hate to think I drank most of the bottle to myself - but I do think that is the case!

They were all former Senior CC and none of them seemed to have their spirits dampened by the changes. I had a walk around the cabins, and chatted to the Y CSS in the back, who was so lovely - she mentioned that they thought it was going to be hard at first, but that they were a resilient bunch and they had made the new set up work - although I do have a bone to pick with her - that she convinced me to spend money on a new Diesel watch from Retail Therapy - well I did need one!

We both snacked on bits from the bar, as well as ordering a burger from the graze menu. We did spend pretty much the second half of the flight at the bar - so I cannot comment how proactive they were with offering the graze menu to the rest of Upper but I imagine it was as proactive as they were with topping up drinks.

I was worried - I had talked up the VS UC experience so much to my mate - and I was concerned it was either going to be a let down for him, or a let down for me that I would be comparing with last year and it would be crap now - well I have to say that neither was the case - and up to this point this flight was far and away my favourite VS Flight that I have been on and that was entirely down to the crew!

The age of the 340's is showing now the IFE was pretty much terrible although it worked - and there were little things in all three cabins that just looked shabby or poor - although the minor refresh of the UCS and the leather facings does help keep the Upper Cabin looking good!

Because of the slight delay leaving Heathrow we were behind the Air Berlin and Lufthansa flights - thankfully as we were both able to use the machines it did make it a slightly better experience and probably about 45 mins in total - which whilst not horrnendous felt worse as I was erm *hic* a bit tipsy!

Thankfully we only had a quick walk to our hotel, Hilton at the airport which had proved to have stunning views of Boston and be easy enough to use as a launching pad for seeing the city!
#926787 by buns
30 Sep 2016, 11:55
Thanks for a super TR

A great flight it would seem with such a proactive FSM and crew and when this happens, I always say that VS cannot be beaten.

To augment this with a full exploration of the Clubhouse, must be leaving your mate now a fully fledged V Flyer :-D You can only be too pleased that everything went well to impress him.

Thanks once again

#926789 by ColOrd
30 Sep 2016, 12:29
I have to say that every single member of VS staff that we dealt with were fantastic!

I should also note that I am going to prepare a video trip report for this when I finally recover from this jet lag!!
#926790 by marshy11
30 Sep 2016, 12:43
What a lovely read. It makes me smile when I read of such a great CH/flight. Huge thanks for the photos, they really add to it.
#926799 by Snora
30 Sep 2016, 17:42
just love that place ! Clubhouse AND Boston that is ! Feeling really ready for our trip to South Africa for new year.

thanks for the TR and the photos - now I know why we work so hard getting those darn miles ..... :D
#926801 by jfenney
30 Sep 2016, 17:54
Great TR, Great photos and video , very true the crew make the flight and well done VS another convert I believe to upper :-D
#926802 by Bretty
30 Sep 2016, 19:14
Excellent TR thanks, and I'm really pleased you had a great experience and your buddy too. Those photos of you, you both look like little mischievous boys!!

#926805 by tomthumb
30 Sep 2016, 19:45
Cracking TR and a solid flight - thanks for sharing
Virgin Atlantic

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