This is the main V-Flyer Forum for general discussion of everything related to flying with Virgin-branded travel companies.
#936864 by hiljil
26 Jul 2017, 08:54
Have a wonderful, memorable experience.

Hope it exceeeds your expectations!
#936867 by Snora
26 Jul 2017, 09:59
I remember that feeling !!! and actually I still get it, but I must admit the Clubhouse has a big part to play too !

Have a great trip. !
#936870 by TimCrawley
26 Jul 2017, 11:14
Hope you really enjoy it ..... obviously wish you a smooth flight but maybe I should also wish you a slightly adverse headwind so your time in the air is a fraction longer than normal to experience a little more time in your UC suite :-)

Although many of us have been lucky enough to fly UC a few times now it's still going to be great to read your trip report for your impressions as it's easy to forget / take for granted some of the experience (though the enjoyment still remains, of course, when finances, sales promotions and miles upgrades allow).
#936871 by shaneg17
26 Jul 2017, 11:26
Thanks to all

I am flying with my wife, brother in-law, his wife and their cousin so 5 very excited people.

I'll 100% do a Trip Report and will try to post either when I am over there for VS9 or do both (VS9 / VS4) when I get back to the UK.
#936878 by pjh
26 Jul 2017, 18:36
Have a wonderful time! I still get the fizzle a day or so before flying UC.
#936882 by vic110
26 Jul 2017, 20:58
I hope you realise that this is the start of always wanting to turn left when you board a plane.
We had our first upper class flight a couple of year ago and our holidays now cost a little bit more (well quite a lot more really) now and I've become obsessed with collecting miles.
Enjoy your flight
#936886 by Francis007
26 Jul 2017, 22:00
Agree with everything that has been said here. Be warned though that once you turn never turn right again !!!! :-D

My missus and I first flew Virgin n 2006 when we both retired. We had always wanted to spend a week in DC to explore and see all the famous sites. We first used PE and enjoyed it but always looked enviously to the pointy end when we first boarded.

The next year we flew into Boston for a week and again used PE. In 2008 we decided to tour Maine,Vermont and New Hampshire for a 3 week tour. And for the first time ,we took advantage of the Virgin sale and flew UC.....and we were hooked.

We now return each Autumn to spend a week in the northern woods of Northern Maine up near Moosehead Lake, a week in the Catskills and our final week in Wellfleet on Cape Cod ( our particular favourite ) And since 2008 we have always used UC

We are off again for in October for our fourteenth trip to the US with Virgin and in UC. Being old pensioners now, we could not afford the "real " price of UC and always take advantage of the sale that generally appears on the website in early Spring.

So enjoy your first time in UC. We know you will and will probably be hooked like most people here. It really is a wonderful product. Especially the drive through at Heathrow and the truly wonderful Clubhouse
#936887 by Bretty
26 Jul 2017, 22:12
I haven't sat at the back of the bus for about 5 years or so. Turning left sure is addictive! Have a great time both in the clubhouse and on board.
#936888 by buns
27 Jul 2017, 04:52
It is of course now the day of travel :-D

Make sure you savour the whole experience and try not to rush things as, just like that wedding day, it will be over in a flash.

If you are using DTCI do stop and take it all in before you launch yourself into the security line. The same with the Clubhouse, don't be afraid to ask for things or advice.

Have a great trip

#936890 by shaneg17
27 Jul 2017, 07:55
So today is the day.

4 hours a kid at Christmas

Thank you for the comments, advice and indeed the warning that after today I won't ever want to not turn left again on a flight.

We are all looking forward to this so much
Virgin Atlantic

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